Cover image: Jacob Wrestling The Angel Among The Bird And Lilies (2021), Eden Seifu


Deleuze, Kierkegaard and the Ethics of Selfhood (Edinburgh University Press, 2022), now available online. Forthcoming in Spanish translation as: Deleuze, Kierkegaard y la ética de la individualidad, trans. Rafael García Pavón (Universidad Iberoamericana, 2025).

Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Henry Somers-Hall, Royal Holloway, University of London), here.
Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion (Robert Luzecky, George Mason University), here.
Danish Yearbook of Philosophy (Stephen Shakespeare, Liverpool Hope University), here.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos: Revista de filosofía (Rafael García Pavón, Universidad Anahuac), here.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

1) “Benjamin Fondane: an Undiscovered Reference for Gilles Deleuze,” Deleuze and Guattari Studies, forthcoming

2) “Sartre and Deleuze on Otherness,” Sartre Studies International, 30.2 (2024): 1-19

3) “Deleuze, Benjamin and the Deterritorialization of Film Subjectivity,” Transformations: Journal of Media, Culture and Technology, 37 (2024): 98-113

4) “Panentheism, History and the Problem of Evil,” Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion, 5.1 (Spring 2023): 1-24

5) “Possibility as an Aesthetic and Ethical Category (Fondane and Deleuze),” Pli: The Warwick Journal of Continental Philosophy, 34 (2022): 130-156

6) “Kierkegaard as a Thinker of Deleuzian Immanent Ethics,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 24.1 (Spring 2020): 118-137

7) “Faith and Repetition in Kierkegaard and Deleuze,” Philosophy Today, 63.2 (Spring 2019): 383-401

Book Chapters

“Deleuze on Kierkegaard” in The Kierkegaardian Mind, eds. Stokes, Patrick, Adam Buben and Eleanor D. Helms. New York: Routledge, 2019. 177-87

Book Reviews

1) Review Essay: “Two Approaches to Difference and Repetition,” Review of: Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition, by Somers-Hall, Henry, and Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition: A Critical Introduction and Guide, by Williams, James, Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 9.2 (2015): 257-264

2) Nietzsche’s Philosophy of History, by Jensen, Anthony K. New Nietzsche Studies, 9.3/4 (Summer/Fall 2015): 232-236

3) Totality and Infinity at 50, eds. Davidson, Scott and Diane Perpich. International Philosophical Quarterly, 52.4 (2012): 498-500

For a full list of conference presentations and updated publications list, visit my CV page, here.